

发布时间: 2024-05-17 10:59:56北京青年报社官方账号





As a key project of State Grid critical to the UHV ring grid in North China, the project adopted UHV AC technology which features long-distance large capacity transmission and will transmit abundant clean power from Zhangjiakou to the load center of Xiong'an New Area of Hebei province without burdening Beijing's 500 kV ring grid. After entering operation, it will deliver more than 7 terawatt hours of clean power to Xiong'an every year, achieving 100 percent clean power supply for the new area.


As foreign investors are keen to see improvements in the protection of intellectual property rights in China, the government must pay more attention to IPR protection. China should step up its efforts to eliminate illegal IPR activities, establish more IPR courts and increase punishments for violators. Any company that violates IPR must be severely punished, even to the point of causing bankruptcy. It is equally critical to improve government services. As 2020 is the first year for the implementation of China's Foreign Investment Law, the government should further cut the items on its negative lists in both FTZs and at the national level.


As for his future plans, the courier said he will stick to reading and reciting poems.


As a global financial center, the added value of the financial industry contributed 17 percent to Shanghai's GDP last year, providing the infrastructure and environment for the development of fintech companies, according to the report.


As a result, one of the brand's best-selling lotions saw sales of 300,000 bottles in just six months after launching on China's e-commerce platform Tmall, and upwards of 70,000 bottles on the day of June 18, China's mid-year shopping spree.


